This WOW shuffle is to explain how to get MOP Gems required for Panther mounts from this Golden Lotus shuffle
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What can you earn

Here is a list of the item’s that you can earn:

Item URL
River’s Heart Direct WOWHEAD Link.
Imperial Amethyst Direct WOWHEAD Link.
Sun’s Radiance Direct WOWHEAD Link.
Wild Jade Direct WOWHEAD Link.
Primordial Ruby Direct WOWHEAD Link.
Vermilion Onyx Direct WOWHEAD Link.

Items involved in the Shuffle

Here is a list of the item’s needed in the shuffle:

Item URL
Tiger Opal Direct WOWHEAD Link.
Roguestone Direct WOWHEAD Link.
Alexandrite Direct WOWHEAD Link.
Lapis Lazuli Direct WOWHEAD Link.
Pandarian Garnet Direct WOWHEAD Link.
Stunstone Direct WOWHEAD Link.
Golden Lotus Direct WOWHEAD Link.
Spirit of Harmony Direct WOWHEAD Link.

Here is a list of the Panther Mounts you can make from these items transmuted:

Item URL
Jeweled Onyx Panther Direct WOWHEAD Link.
Jade Panther Direct WOWHEAD Link.
Ruby Panther Direct WOWHEAD Link.
Sunstone Panther Direct WOWHEAD Link.
Sapphire Panther Direct WOWHEAD Link.

Prerequisites for the Shuffle

In order to do this shuffle you must:

Step by Steps explanation

In order to be able to do this shuffle, you must do the following:

1.  Prospect any of the MOP ores to earn green or blue quality gems (listed above).
2.  You may also get these mats off the Auction House of farm. I'd recommend buying the ore when prices are generally lower on your server.
3.  You will need to get Golden Lotus'. Either buy them off the Auction house or trade Spirits of Harmony
4.  On your Alchemist containing Transmute Master, begin to transmute the blue MOP gems.
5.  Once the Blue MOP gems are acquired, you can post the raw mats on the AH to sell or shuffle into Panthem mounts.
6.  To understand Panter mount shuffles, you can find that shuffle in the Reference link at the bottom of this page.

Tips and Tricks

When doing this farms, be aware of the following:

  • Be a Transmute Master in order to proc extra MOP Blue Gems.
  • Goblin character earn +15 alchemy through their racial skill.
  • Keep an eye out on the AH for the mats involved in this farm. I’d recommend that you even favorite the item in the AH. This way when the prices get low, you can buy them up. Mounts tend to hold value over time, thus the term you hear often, money printing machine when you earn these craftables.

Pandaria Alchemy power leveling guide.

Transmute Master

Poisoncrafter Kil’zit

Panther Mount Shuffle
