This WOW shuffle is to explain how step into the Panther mount
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Google Sheets calculator

What can you earn

Here is a list of the item’s that you can earn:

Item URL
Jeweled Onyx Panther Direct WOWHEAD Link.
Jade Panther Direct WOWHEAD Link.
Ruby Panther Direct WOWHEAD Link.
Sunstone Panther Direct WOWHEAD Link.
Sapphire Panther Direct WOWHEAD Link.

Items involved in the Shuffle

Here is a list of the item’s needed in the shuffle:

Item URL
Jade Panther Direct WOWHEAD Link.
Ruby Panther Direct WOWHEAD Link.
Sunstone Panther Direct WOWHEAD Link.
Sapphire Panther Direct WOWHEAD Link.
Orb Of Mastery Direct WOWHEAD Link.
Living Steel Direct WOWHEAD Link.
Serpent’s Eye Direct WOWHEAD Link.
Wild Jade Direct WOWHEAD Link.
Primordial Ruby Direct WOWHEAD Link.
Sun’s Radiance Direct WOWHEAD Link.
River’s Heart Direct WOWHEAD Link.

Prerequisites for the Shuffle

In order to do this shuffle you must:

Step by Steps explanation

In order to be able to do this shuffle, you must do the following:

1.  The biggest step is earning exalted for Order of the Cloud Serpent. This tends to gate a lot of gold farmers in general from stepping into this market making competition generally less.
2.  Take a look at the Auction House to see if Spirits of Harmony are cheap to purchase, preferably in bulk, on your server.
2.  If yes, you will take those newly purchased Spirits of Harmonys and take them to the Spirit of Harmony vendor for purchasing Ghost Iron Ore or Trillium Ore.
3.  If you are not able to purchase, you always have the option to farm. I would recommend Valley of the Four winds.
4.  Once you possess the Ore, begin prospecting. I would recommend a macro which you can find below under reference links.
4.  Go to Big Keech the vendor to purchase the Orb of Mastery
5.  Continue to be amazing!

Tips and Tricks

When doing this farms, be aware of the following:

  • Continue to daily check for Spirits of Harmony cheap. You may be able to pick up some bulk buy to keep yourself in the market.
  • Use the prospect macro below to make your prospecting easier:
    #showtooltip <ore name>
    /use Prospecting
    /use <ore name>

Krystel - Alliance Spirit of Harmony vendor

Danky - Horde Spirit of Harmony vendor

Big Keech
