This WOW shuffle is to answer Yes or No to this question... is it worth buying the mats off the Auction House to make Transmute: Living Steel Bars or Riddle Of Steel CD? If so, at what cost and what profit?
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Google Sheets calculator

I am sharing my Google Sheets (Excel.xls) to allow users to manipulate and pivot data as it varies server to server here:

Mozzletoff’s Google Spreadsheet

What can you earn

Here is a list of the item’s that you can earn:

Item URL
Living Steel Direct WOWHEAD Link.
Living Steel can make… Direct WOWHEAD Link.

Items involved in the Shuffle

Here is a list of the item’s needed in the shuffle:

Item URL
Trillium Bar Direct WOWHEAD Link.
Spirit Of Harmony Direct WOWHEAD Link.

Prerequisites for the Shuffle

In order to do this shuffle you must:

Step by Steps explanation

In order to be able to do this shuffle, you must do the following:

1.  Use the spread sheet to understand if this is profitable or not.
2.  If the area of profit for this is acceptable, than it is time to shuffle! Go to **next step**. If not profitable than revisit this shuffle at a later date.
3.  Buy the **exact** required mats for the shuffle. Do the cooldown, post on the Auction House & profit!

Tips and Tricks

When doing this shuffle, be aware of the following:

  • To change your Alchemy specialization (e.g., from Elixir or Potions to Transmutation), open the professions window and click the small red circle to the left of the specialization (NOT the profession skill level). Then do the applicable quest for the specialization you want.

  • The more alts you stack, the more daily CDs you have. There is a snow ball effect component that allows you to separate yourself from the competition.

  • Ensure to check the price of Spirit of Harmony to understand if Riddle of Steel or Daily CD is the better option here. Usually Riddle of Steel is cheaper cost. Check the prices first before doing!

Google Sheet Spreadsheet
